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毁灭者:是Buddy,Cooper导演在1984年出品的美国恐怖片影片,其主要演员有Matt,Mitler,Ruth,Martinez,Bill,Hitchcock等,主要剧情:A group of teenagers decide to take a vacation at the beach house of one of their fathers. The kid whose father owns the house just happened to accidentally kill his mother when he was a child. When they get to the house, the father has mysteriously disappeared.
本片由神马电影院我不卡影院于2022-06-09 18:32:03从网络搜集而来,观看毁灭者如果觉得Fall Break不错的,可以继续搜索本片导演Buddy,Cooper和Matt,Mitler,Ruth,Martinez,Bill,Hitchcock等演员相关影视作品,请持续关注本站更新最新电影恐怖片资源。